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How To Release The Weight, Keep It Off &
Without Working Out Everyday
Or Starving Yourself...

Work with Natalie Jill in a lifestyle coaching program specifically for women
in MIDLIFE and beyond that want Fat Loss, More Confidence, & to Truly Thrive
  • Get & Stay Motivated
  • Release The Weight, Bloat, & Pain
  • Skyrocket Energy & Confidence
Don't give up! There is NOTHING wrong with you! You just haven't had Natalie Jill coach you yet...
Work with me for the next 8 weeks and I will show you the SIMPLE METHOD that keeps the fat off FOREVER!



"Dear ME, not too long ago, you felt fat, depressed, and hopeless. You DECIDED to take massive action and change your story and show up for your life.

You are stronger and more fit than you even imagined. Your joints no longer hurt.

You couldn't have asked for better support or a better tribe to go on this journey with.

P.S...You are rocking those skinny jeans!

I love you,
— From YOU!"


*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

"Mindset was the hardest and the most enjoyable piece of the program for me. I started working with Natalie Jill in a deep dark hole of depression.  

I was constantly eating out because I didn't know how to cook and eating comfort foods was the norm and there was no limit to how much I was eating. It felt good eating in the moment, but every time self-disgust would shortly follow when I was done. It was a vicious cycle.  

I had gained so much weight that I no longer recognized myself in the mirror. I wasn't even able to look into people's eyes when I talk to them because by then I had zero self-confidence. I was constantly in fear of judgement by how I looked because family and relatives would constantly make my weight a topic of discussion.  

I came into the program with a lot of doubts: Can I do it? Can I measure up? Am I smart enough to comprehend the knowledge? Will I be able to adapt to the new eating and exercise habits? Can I sustain it? Will this program really work for me?  

As I gained ground on learning how to eat I was able to create a momentum. I stuck with the basics because I was not a cook. I kept it simple and soon my bloat was gone, I could feel an increase in my energy, mental clarity, a drive that I haven't felt for a long time, the confidence that I can do this and excitement to learn more.  

Now, all I want to do is pour into others. That is literally how I truly feel. My cup is literally overflowing… I want each person struggling to hear the truth! YOU ARE CAPABLE, YOU ARE POWERFUL, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE VALUABLE, YOU ARE WORTH IT, YOU ARE MEANT TO BE GREAT, YOU ARE SMART, YOU ARE STRONG, YOU ARE USEFUL, YOU ARE AN OVERCOMER, YOU ARE NOT A QUITTER, YOU ARE MEANT FOR THIS!!”


*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

"Soooo proud to say that I no longer need to wear curvy jeans!!

I started with Natalie Jill at a size 16 and am now wearing an 8 :)

I would like to say thank you to Natalie Jill.

My husband and I both enjoy the positive message that you share and the fun way you share it. My goal is to be fit and healthy!"


*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

"Being that size was hard. I was a miserable person. I was incredibly depressed, I remember there were days that I didn’t want to get out of bed because I didn’t feel like trying on a ton of clothes that didn’t fit.

I was lonely and embarrassed because I gained so much weight, I would make excuses up to not hang out with friends.

I was addicted to food, I would eat constantly, to help deal with stress, anger, loneliness, depression.

The first thing I noticed after about 3 days was energy! And happiness! I had no idea the effects that sugar had on my emotions! I woke up out of bed without an alarm, and I started to have a desire to work out. I hadn’t worked out for 3 years!

The weight just keeps falling off!

It has been such an easy transformation with you! I travel a ton and I can always find something to eat. There is no stopping me now!”


*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

"I’m a new person this Christmas.

My life changed when I joined Natalie Jill's coaching.

I’m excited for my 1 year wedding anniversary coming up next month. I am now a size 2/small.

It’s been years since I’ve worn a tight sweater with a pair of jeans!! It’s been years! People!"


*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

Thrive isn't just for the ladies! Men can THRIVE too!

Meet Jay! His total weight lost is 52 pounds and he released 7 inches from his waist!

"My transformation has been monumental. My mindset, my vision, my happiness and my health have all advanced by leaps and bounds. I have learned so many things about myself on this journey…far too many to list here. 

I thank Natalie for her strength and conviction and steadfastness during these last months. More importantly, I thank her for sharing her programs and knowledge with us, with the sole intent of helping each us find our individual selves by reaching deep inside of our own minds and psyches. 

Couple this rare gift with her amazing “relatability factor” and you have a successful, winning combination. 

Decision, vision, plan, action…great lessons for life. I will never forget any of your coaching. 

Post holidays I will be ready and eager for January Thrive where I look forward to continuing my journey with all of you amazing ladies. (and Brooks of course)." 

Jay D.

*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

Thrive isn't just for the ladies! Men can THRIVE too!

Meet Jay! His total weight lost is 52 pounds and he released 7 inches from his waist!

"My transformation has been monumental. My mindset, my vision, my happiness and my health have all advanced by leaps and bounds. I have learned so many things about myself on this journey…far too many to list here. 

I thank Natalie for her strength and conviction and steadfastness during these last months. More importantly, I thank her for sharing her programs and knowledge with us, with the sole intent of helping each us find our individual selves by reaching deep inside of our own minds and psyches. 

Couple this rare gift with her amazing “relatability factor” and you have a successful, winning combination. 

Decision, vision, plan, action…great lessons for life. I will never forget any of your coaching. 

Post holidays I will be ready and eager for January Thrive where I look forward to continuing my journey with all of you amazing ladies. (and Brooks of course)." 

Jay D.

*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.

LOVE For Total Body Thrive Fat Loss Method:


“It’s hard to believe that 15 months later, I have released 58lbs. 

I know I am only one of thousands of women you’ve touched, moved, and inspired, but I just have to tell you THANK YOU. 

My entire life is different. My energy is different. My body is different. 

Those of us in our 40’s, 50’s, and beyond start believing something that is not true -- which is that we can’t change, and we can’t transform. 

Your program taught me it was possible, and I am just so grateful that you’ve created this and I was able to be a part of it. ”


*Results vary depending on goals, effort and start point.



  • ​Connect with me during our interactive weekly live coaching calls 
  • ​Get a super-simple and easy to digest video based module every week
  • ​Get a downloadable PDF each week with daily meal plans for weight loss
  • ​Unlimited support in members only group
  • ​Access to top expert guests in hormone, thyroid, gut health and more!


  • Get immediate login access to a convenient site and mobile app to access all of the THRIVE content
  • ​Available to you 24/7 to do this when it works with YOUR schedule 
  • Content remains available to you after the live session! 


  • Daily menu plan that's easy, simple & fun
  • Based on 100% real, natural food
  • ​No shakes, protein bars, pills
  • ​Includes grocery lists and swap-outs  


  • 100% optional follow-along at home live weekly workouts
  • ​All fitness levels 
  • Led by an instructor with ​expertise training women in midlife and beyond!
  • ​Low Impact
  • ​Get an effective workout in 20 minutes or less
  • ​You can follow the meal plan and skip the workouts and still see radical results!


  • Hormones
  • ​Thyroid
  • ​Gut Health
  • ​Stress Management
  • ​Blood sugars
  • ​and More!


  • Unlimited Support
  • Safe
  • ​Like-minded community 
  • Get all of your questions answered
  • ​Share victories

As a woman who wants to lose weight, you’re dealing with a triple-edged sword.

Being out of shape doesn’t just lower your self-esteem. It zaps your energy, your mood, and your motivation.

I know how frustrating and upsetting it is to waste money on products and plans that work, only to end up in the exact same place every time.

Not only have you spent hard-earned dollars on another disappointment; you’ve also wasted the most precious thing you have: time!

If you're beating yourself up for quitting in the past, don't!

I know this firsthand from personal experience!

Almost two decades ago, I was a first-time mom with a baby daughter and 50+ extra pregnancy pounds.

I tried everything to lose them but nothing worked. It was as if everything went against me––besides going through a heartbreaking divorce, I was losing the safety of my home smack in the middle of a crashed housing market.

My marriage, my confidence, the economy… it was all in the drain.

Without knowledge, support, or means to put my life together, I felt lost and depressed.

Researching online didn't make me any wiser. If anything, the overwhelming amount of contradictory info only confused me!

To make things worse, all the “no carbs, no fat, no flavor” rules made it seem like I had to either refrain from any kind of enjoyment or stay miserable.

Luckily, I refused to accept either and made a positive, non-negotiable decision that changed my whole life:

I decided that I would THRIVE.

...and I did!

I visualized my goals, figured out a plan, and committed to making it happen.

It took lots of studying, research, trial, and error, but I finally created an efficient three-step formula that quickly resulted in mind-blowing progress.

I kept getting in better and better shape week after week, which motivated me to continue.

It didn’t take long before people started asking what my secret was and the next thing I knew, I was modeling for major magazines––in my 40s!

I also ended up marrying my soul mate, so all aspects of my life started falling into place, and I was THRIVING!

A decade later, I’m 52 years YOUNG and in the BEST shape of my entire life.

I have six international magazine covers under my belt, millions of followers worldwide, and a successful online business.

As a bestselling author and certified fat-loss expert, I've had the privilege to change hundreds of thousands of people’s lives. Imagine if I had let those negative thoughts about myself win!

Think about it. Where will YOU be in ten years if you make this decision TODAY?

I don't have a single, itty-bitty doubt in my mind you can achieve your fitness goals–– if you DECIDE to commit to them.

I believe everyone deserves to experience life in a body they feel confident in, which is why I’m so deeply passionate about sharing my secret to fast and lasting fat loss with as many women as I possibly can.

My three-step fat-loss formula THRIVE will sculpt your whole body in just 8 weeks' time, without giving up your social life or favorite foods. 

KNOW Pain.

I know injuries and pain, not only have I navigated a ruptured disc between l5 S1, foot drop and sciatica, I have recovered from a torn distal bicep and more. The PAIN CYCLE IS REAL and I want to help you break this through movement and eating an anti-inflammatory diet.

I don’t believe in deprivation, because I KNOW from personal and professional experience it NEVER works long-term.

Stop listening to fitness coaches, gurus, and greedy internet marketers who feed you a blizzard of empty promises, misinformation, and ultra-restrictive diets.

When you eat like a bird and beat yourself up with crazy, unrealistic workouts, you’ll only tear your body down, complicate your relationship with food, and gain more fat as soon as you quit––which you will, because it's NOT a sustainable way to live!

What DOES work, in the long run, is small but effective habits that are easy and FUN to maintain.

If you don’t love your lifestyle, you’re not loving your LIFE. It's as simple as that: your fitness routine should be a recipe for happiness, not misery.

That’s exactly why THRIVE works so well––it amplifies your quality of life while ALSO giving your body the exercise and nutrition it needs to look and feel GREAT.

If everything else you’ve tried has deflated your energy, self-esteem, and motivation, then the next 8 weeks will do the complete opposite!

"I believe everyone deserves to experience life in a body 
they feel confident in. I've helped hundreds of thousands 
of women and now it's your turn."

Start THRIVING in 3 simple steps:

Step #1 DECIDE

Invest in yourself & join. Immediately upon signing up, you will be given an intake evaluation form to fill out so I can personalize your experience and know exactly how to coach you. 

Step #2 VISION

We work together to visualize how you want to FEEL and LOOK (because I’m gonna get you there). I will teach you everything I know and you will have this knowledge for life.

Step #3 ACTION

Follow my simple, easy, and fun process. Feel in shape, empowered, and in control. You will hit all of your health goals and experience what it feels like to THRIVE!


***Payment Plan is available***


Triple Board Certified OB-GYN, Dr. Anna Cabeca aka "The Girlfriend Doctor"

We recognize hormones and changing bodies are a serious thing in Midlife. Dr. Anna will be navigating us through Perimenopause and Hormone changes.

Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Laura Frontiero aka "The Gut Genie" 

Have you ever heard it all starts in the gut. Well it does. And in midlife, low energy and brain fog are common complaints. Laura will be diving in to Gut Health, Toxin Level, Detox, and more! 

Dr. Amie Hornaman aka "The Thyroid Fixer"

Dr. Amie has proven approaches to address thyroid dysfunction and support women in returning to full health. She is here to help support us with our thyroids.

Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN aka "THE Go To Celebrity Dietitian Nutritionist"

A renowned celebrity nutritionist, healthy cooking expert, and wellness thought-leader will answer some of our most pressing wellness questions around blood sugar and cortisol.

Shivan Sarno, Founder of SIBO SOS (r) & Chronic Condition Rescue

If you have been plagued by IBS, SIBO bloating - there is hope and proven methods to help resolve your struggle. She dives deep with us on this topic!

100% Money-Back
Actions Takers Guarantee

I have a philosophy, if I can’t change your life for the better, then I don’t deserve your money. So I have a deal for you, I am offering you 100% security with a 30 day action takers guarantee. When you invest in Total Body THRIVE, you will get instant access and you can get inside the membership, watch the videos and start doing the daily activities.

You will also get instant access to the members only area where you will start going through all of the program content, start implementing all my tools, and see if you start seeing results in your energy, and your confidence, and your body.

To be eligible for this guarantee, and this refund: you have to have completed ALL of the work up to that point, completed and submit all of the assignments, attend all of the calls live, actively participate in the group and calls, and if you still don’t see positive change in your life, then you can send me everything you completed and I will happily refund you.


Why is the cost of the Total Body Thrive is so much lower than your other staple coaching and VIP weekend programs?
The investment into yourself is lower because I priced it to help you WIN. 

My direct coaching is super effective, but logically I can’t take 200 people one on one. But as a small group, I CAN. 

The live calls with me, the intake form, and the coaching is VERY similar to what I do with my one on one clients but for a FRACTION of the cost. 

You will learn EVERYTHING you need to know. It is a one-time fee & you will never be charged again.
How do I know this will work for me?
IT WILL WORK FOR YOU. Failure is NOT an option. AND if you don’t trust yourself, trust me!

I offer what I call an ACTION TAKERS GUARANTEE! This means if you join Total Body Thrive, do the program and assignments, show up for the weekly live coaching classes and participate in the group and STILL don’t get results, then I don’t deserve to get paid. In this case, I offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. 
Now, this program is NOT for everyone. If you are NOT ready to seriously lose the fat and COMMIT to doing this with ME, then this is NOT for you. 

I am determined to teach you everything I know and support you every step of the way. 
What if I have already done one of your other coaching programs?
Welcome back! Total Body Thrive is totally different from ANY of my other programs! This is the most comprehensive fat loss solution I have EVER created.

It is everything you will ever need to know about fat loss. 

You will get a series of videos you will get from me personally each week, teaching you everything you need to know about achieving your fat loss goals. The information is totally simple to follow. And the BEST part? I am going to be your personal virtual coach AKA your "Fat Loss Fairy" for the next 8 weeks!   
NO other program I offer comes close to that. I do include what works BEST from my past program. You will see some stuff from the past Fat Loss Academy and the Full Body Reset but only the BEST from that, so much more NEW content for you! 

Message us directly for any specific questions and for your special Alumni link to join. Support@nataliejillfitness.com
What if I have dietary restrictions?
No one understands dietary restrictions better than me! Years of frustration were finally alleviated when I found out I had Celiac Sprue (an extreme allergy to gluten). I have taken extra care to make sure this program has delicious options and an extensive swap out list for all eating styles, preferences and restrictions. This meal plan is based on all natural, unprocessed, real foods. There is a dairy and grain free plan option too. 
What if I don’t have enough time or don’t like to cook?
We will provide you with a simple ‘Building a Meal’ guide made just for you! Many of our recipes requires little to no time to whip up and enjoy!

Thankfully, real food, and the simple way we eat in thrive are more cost-effective than eating processed foods and dining out!
What if I don't have weight to lose but want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and gain more confidence?
You can TOTALLY still do this with us! You just won't have to watch the portions as closely as those who want to lose weight. And you will learn a ton too! 
Pain and injury has been limiting my mobility and desire to exercise. Will there be workouts that I can handle?
After having my second back surgery in November 2019 (my first laser endoscopic surgery was 2.5 years ago to remove a ruptured disc and my second one was to remove the structure pieces causing frequent back and hip pain), I understand. 

I know what it’s like to live with back pain. First, rest assured that workouts are totally optional during the challenge and will not affect your results. 

If all that you do is commit to following the mindset activities and nutrition plan you will see massive results. 
Will this help me if I am going through menopause? 
Yes! I am in perimenopause, so I can relate to your changes. Everything I share in Total Body THRIVE will dramatically help with balancing hormones no matter what stage you’re experiencing.
Do I need special equipment or a gym?
No! Just your body weight and a floor! If you do follow the workouts, you won’t need special equipment, a fancy gym, heavy weights or expensive trainers. 

Oh and the BEST PART? The workouts are 100% optional. You can follow the eating plan for 8 weeks, and skip the workouts, and STILL see radical results! 


It’s probably safe to say that you’ve tried tons of different methods to lose weight in the past that didn't work, leaving you feeling frustrated and defeated.  

I get it!

I simplified all of my years of coaching into a 
simple, fun, easy, & proven fat-loss formula that works...

I want all of your clothes in your closet to fit.

I want you to experience better sleep at night and more energy during the day.

I want you to find a coach that has experience with what you're dealing with (I am 52)

I want you to learn skills that you can incorporate into your daily life forever


Now the only question is...ARE YOU IN?

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